Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wonderful random news!

I've been pretty busy lately with no time to post! Our family had a blast on the 4th, when we traveled out to my aunt's house to swim and eat good food. (As you've probably already read on my cousin Madison's blog.) Madison and I are headed to a camp soon, and that will be AWESOME! We are both really excited!! And still more exciting information, is that my father just read Mel Bartholomew's book Square Foot Gardening, and the very next day took me to Lowes to buy all the material's for building a square foot garden! He (my father) was raised a farm boy, son of a county extension officer (someone who helps farmers with bug/disease/varmint problems). He has tons of experience with gardening/farming. It's what he majored in at colledge. He read the book, and immeadiently wanted to try it out! There are so many benefits to square foot gardening! A sfg is easily protected from deer/other varmints, you don't have to walk on the soil that covers the plant's roots (that harms the root system), you don't have to plant or cull so much, it's a portable garden, there are virturally no weeds, and there are many, many other benefits. Check out Mel Bartholomew's website here. We've finished building the first frame, I can't wait to plant my seeds!


  1. Harumph. Every time I get on your blog I become mightily jealous. Harumph. =P Anyway, that is toootally awesome! =D I can't wait to see it!
    Oh, and I *so* cannot wait until camp! YAHOOOOO!! =D And it is only..... 4 days, 10 hours, 34 minutes, and 16 seconds away! =P But technically, to me... it is only 3 days away, 'cause I don't count Sunday. =)
    Anyway, I guess I'll see you on Sunday!


  2. Hey Macy! We've been home a week now. When do you want to get together? Ya'll would have to come out here because our car is in Iowa! (We took a rental home) Have your mom email mine.

  3. Haha, I was waiting excitedly for you to post dear Stephanie, and then I unexpectedly stopped blogging right when you did! :'( Oh! I've just had a marvelous idea! Hmm... I'll e-mail now or call you tomorrow about my grand little scheme! I think a tea party is in order. ;) ;)
